We have been in business from the turn of the century, doing mostly acoustic engineering for Large scale events/stadiums , High End recording, mastering and mixing facilities.

More and more , we started to get a name for ourselves in the RF market , by development of custom filtering and splitting combining of large quantities of RF signals. This focused on the entertainment market for In-Ear systems, microphones, Intercom systems, telemetry, etc.
More and more we got in to the "serious" RF business of Microwave links and large scale communications for mission critical applications.

We combine all these elements in the present reincarnation of the company , where you can count on expertise in the following markets:
Large scale and high end studio custom design, acoustics and electro acoustics.
Networking solutions for time critical application , including broadcast and cellular environments.
RF design from HF up to millimetre wave applications.
Fibre optic applications in networking and RFoG ( RF over Glass fibre)
Distribution solutions for RF including Cellular 2G 3G 4G and 5G. GPS , PMR networks in TDM and conventional ,etc.

For all this you can count on the proper support for your project.

A few rules that apply to all of us:
1) Be nice, treat any person like you want to be treated.
2) Do what you say you're going to do.
3) A good deal has te be a good deal for everybody, or it won't last.
4) Never say no until you fully understand the question.
5) you can accomplish way more with friends than without.
6) I can afford to plan for bad things and be wrong. I can't afford to not plan for bad things and be wrong.